Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Year's 2009

Here I sit at 1:46 p.m. on the first day of the new year. I am so much enjoying interfacing with people on my little mac that I haven't yet had any motivation to do anything else and Chuck had to practically drag me to go eat breakfast. That was only about 30 minutes ago. You do the math. I am in my pajamas and robe and I am feeling so HAPPY. Silly silly girl.

I knew it was time for me to kick start a better scripture-study habit. So, I've conjured up the most enticing approach to the scriptures that I can imagine and see if it exists. I came up with the idea of a website where I could show up and it's like my scripture-study desktop. It has a way for me to read the scriptures, mark them and bookmark them (online) and to keep notes and write about insights and questions, a discussion forum, cool links for researching and web feeds about some of my favorite sites and forums. Hee hee. Doesn't that sound fabulous? So, then I launched into the deep and wide space of the internet. I've been tooling about ever since. Have I actually just opened the scriptures? Not yet, but I'm still considering it.

I did come across some great resources and food for thought along the way. Check these out:

On this last one, look for the story of the holocaust survivor who joined the church. That was a great article. There was also an awesome article about hindsight learning.

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